Nikolai Gamasin
Art Direction
This is a personal portfolio of Nikolai Gamasin, Master of Arts in Integrated Design, from Germany. Currently working at Tamschick Media+Space as Senior Art Director.
Berlin / 2024 

Invisible Worlds               science center,exhibition,immersive experience

            "Invisible Worlds" is a captivating 360-degree science and art installation at the American Museum of Natural History's new Richard Gilder Center for Science, Education, and Innovation. It provides a breathtaking insight into the interconnectedness of all life on Earth.

As Senior Art Director at Tamschick Media and Space, I significantly contributed to this project, creating styleframes, overseeing the animatic, as design supervision during the production, and on-site implementation.

The installation, created with scientists and global advisors, utilized data from various institutions, including Lidar scans of New York City. My work helped transform complex scientific concepts into visually appealing experiences, drawing inspiration from real locations like the Amazon Rainforest and Central Park. "Invisible Worlds" represents an innovative exhibition method, making scientific data visually accessible. The result is an immersive experience for visitors.2023


client: American Museum Of Natural History
production: Tamschick Media+Space
scenography + exhibtion design: Marc Tamschick & Boris Micka
creative dirctor, media lead: Marc Tamschick
architecture & scenography lead: Boris Micka, BMA
executive producer: Ashraf El Sharkawy
head of production: Michael Koch
head of finance: Christina Roth
senior project manager: Carsten Schildwächter
project manager: Lars Wolf
exhibition design: Valentin Trillo, BMA
design visualisation: Alvaro Barranco, BMA
content coordination: Christiane Meyer-Ricks
content development: Victoria Llanos, BMA
concept design & development: Elisa Broß
creative direction and & animation director media production: Anton Bohlin
art director: Nikolai Gamasin
technical director: Dirk Ostkamp
hardware designer: Björn Seeger
interactive design: Abraham Manzanares,
Julien Vulliet
live-action director: Daniel Lwowski
storyboard artist: Karl Schulschenk
data artist: Martin Backhaus, Michael Bader
motion design: Michael Trende, Maria Gysi,
Luis Bustamante, Stanislav Yakymenko,
Johannes Kirschner
cgi: Milovan Mladenovic, Petar Jovovic
sound design: David Kamp
spatial mix: Peter Hylenski, David Kamp